Cold Pressed Rare Beauty Oils and Custom Formulations
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Fro- The Beauty Blog — #marulaoil

The magic of Marula ! Why this oil is a must for any skin type.

#allure #amarula #fronaturals #hairvolume #marulaoil #wildcrafted

Allure Magazine calls it "The secret to perfect skin and hair" .  Cosmopolitan says that "Marula needs to become a part of your beauty routine ASAP" .  The media is awash with stories of how the use of Marula oil can reverse signs of ageing and improve the look and appearance of one's skin and hair.  Let me share our experience with Marula oil and our story on how we got introduced to it. Many years ago we were based in Namibia ,  which is a lovely country in Southern Africa. One popular drink there is a liqueur named Amarula ....

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Tackling under eye bags with the Frönaturals "Miracle Marula Oil"

#antiageing #fronaturals #marulamagic #marulaoil #undereyetreatment

One of the most common issues we face as we cross 30 is the formation of bags in the skin under our eyes. Now we lead busy lives with work, kids , kids activities and home stuff taking over all of our day, leaving us with not much time to take care of ourselves. As a result our eyes are the first to show the signs of our busy and often stress-filled life. Two weeks ago we started testing our new "Marula oil" as a nighttime moisturizer on our face in general and our under eye areas in particular.  Just...

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