Our Philosphy

 "Frö" is Swedish for seed. Our little venture was born out of a desire to embrace the simplicity and purity of natural products. We were inspired by research into ancient grains and seeds to enhance the quality of modern life. Drawing upon a rich heritage of Aryuveda and other traditional knowledge sources and encouraged by the success encountered by the incorporation of these products in our life, we now attempt to share our knowledge to improve the quality of life for everyone. All the products that we sell are the ones that we use ourselves.

Our principle is simple enough.  Only once we are confident that the product is  good for our family , only then we would like you to use it. We source ethically and try to source from small producers and farmers across the world. Our vision is to become a company valued for its products , its  social partnerships and the value that we give back to society. 

We believe in the goodness of our rare cold pressed beauty oils. Oils extracted without the use of any solvents, gases or diluents. Oils which preserve the essential micro nutrients that the whole seed imparts to the oil. Try our products and send us your reviews and suggestions. We are a Canadian owned small business based in the shadows of the beautiful Rocky Mountains. 

  All prices are in Canadian Dollars and exclude shipping and Taxes