Cold Pressed Rare Beauty Oils and Custom Formulations
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Fro- The Beauty Blog — #baobaboil

The Best Natural treatment for Eczema

#wildcrafted baobaboil eczema facial oils

The mere mention of the word "Eczema" conjures up image of dry, itchy, flaky, scratchy skin. In fact eczema is one of the most common skin aliments in the world. Also referred to as "Atopic dermatitis"  eczema is an inflammation of the skin that can manifest itself in any part of the body. The conventional treatments of eczema unfortunately mostly steroidal based crèmes and lotions, which unfortunately  interfere with the human endocrine system(our hormones). The is where the Fronaturals Baobab Oil proves to be a saviour. Some reasons what Baobab Seed Oil is so good for treating eczema and dry skin...

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Using Fronaturals Baobab Oil as a Hair Conditioner

#baobab #baobaboil #calgary #fronaturals #hairvolume

Here is what I discovered yesterday when my head felt heavy and I wanted my hair to look really good for tomorrow.  I heated the Baobab oil gently by placing the bottle in hot water for 15 mins and allowing the oil to warm up,  and then applied on the scalp for a hot oil conditioning.  I covered my hair  with a shower cap for a few hours and then washed it off using a gentle shampoo. This left my hair super soft  soft and noticeably silky. Bonus, It also added  volume to the hair. Applying baobab oil to the hair...

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Using Cold Pressed Baobab Seed Oil

#antiageing #baobab #baobaboil #beatwinter #calgary #canada #fronaturals facial oils

The Baobab is an amazing tree in many ways. Today we will look at how to use the amazing @fronaturals Baobab oil to improve the look and feel of your skin. Our Baobab oil is super rich in omega fatty acids 3, 6 and 9 and contain vitamins A, D, E, and F. The seeds are typically cold pressed and filtered, to maintain the beneficial properties of the oil. Baobab can be applied directly to the skin, it's a medium viscosity oil, highly emollient, absorbs easily, does not clog pores, improves tone, elasticity, t protects the skin from excessive high...

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